New Member Registration
If you regularly attend Mass at St Mary’s, we invite you to become a member of our spiritual family, and that begins with registration. But for each person, what follows registration will be a bit different.
If you are a practicing Catholic and just moving to Greenville or joining us from another parish, please take time to acquaint yourself with the various activities in the parish in our weekly eBulletin. A list of our ministries, Bible studies, and social groups can be found here.
If you are not yet Catholic or are a Catholic returning to the regular practice of the faith after some time away, we recommend that you learn more about the Catholic Faith by taking classes in our Introduction to Catholicism.
To one and all, welcome to Saint Mary’s!
Please note that Mass attendance is recorded by the use of stewardship envelopes at weekend Masses.
Only registered and active parishioners are eligible to be married here, to request the Baptism or First Communion of a child here, or to be authorized to serve as a sacramental sponsor or godparent for the Baptism or Confirmation of someone else, either here at St Mary’s or in another parish.
Active parishioners are those who have been registered at least six months, using envelopes as proof of Mass attendance each week for a full six months), and supporting the Church according to their means and the parish stewardship guidelines. (Stewardship guidelines for your tithe: 5% to the parish in offertory gifts, 1% to the diocese in the Catholic Appeal of South Carolina (formerly the BAA), and the remaining 4% to charities of your choice, including our capital campaigns.)
Please begin writing your name on one of the envelopes provided in the pews and place it into the collection plate each time you attend weekend Mass. Once you register on this page, you will be added to the mailing list for stewardship envelopes, but due to the printing company's schedule your first set of dated envelopes will not be mailed for several weeks. (We will count all envelopes for Mass attendance, regardless of the type of envelope; as long as your name is legible, you will be marked present for Mass.)