Pentecost Sunday

Dear Friends in Christ, The Jewish feast of Passover commemorates the deliverance of the children of Israel from slavery in Egypt, and from that day of liberation, Moses led the people to the holy mountain where he had seen the living God in the bush which burned without being consumed. There on Mount Horeb Moses…

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The Ascension of the Lord

Dear Friends in Christ, Holy Scripture tells us that the Lord Jesus returned to the glory of his Father forty days after his Resurrection, and for that reason, the Church traditionally celebrates the Ascension on the Thursday after the Sixth Sunday of Easter — forty days after Easter Sunday. In recent years, however, the liturgical…

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6th Sunday of Easter

Dear Friends in Christ, Between the second lesson and the Gospel appointed for today (both written by the Apostle John), the word love appears seventeen times in sixteen sentences, so the message could not be clearer: the Gospel of Jesus Christ is about love. The centrality of love in Christian faith and life often comes…

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5th Sunday of Easter

Dear Friends in Christ, Gender dysphoria is the name given to the experience some people have of feeling as though their mind or soul is matched with a body of the wrong sex. A woman who identifies as a man or a man who wishes that he were a woman often experience profound emotional difficulties…

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4th Sunday of Easter

Dear Friends in Christ, The Fourth Sunday of Easter is also known as Good Shepherd Sunday because of the Scripture readings and Mass prayers appointed for this day in the sacred liturgy. Today’s Communion Antiphon, for example, proclaims that “The Good Shepherd has risen, who laid down his life for his sheep and willingly died…

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