22nd Sunday of the Year

Dear Friends in Christ, Next weekend at all Masses we will take up a second collection to assist those afflicted by Hurricane Harvey. Please be generous so that the Church can assist those in need, especially those who had very little even before the devastation of this storm. This Wednesday, 6 September, is the beginning…

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21st Sunday of the Year

Dear Friends in Christ, Common + Unity = Community. The things we have in common, do in common, and love in common both help produce human unity and flow from it. We all naturally desire an experience of community with other people, and when the things which we hold in common are noble and uplifting,…

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20th Sunday of the Year

Dear Friends in Christ, The new school year is at hand, and beginning just after Labor Day, there are many opportunities at St Mary’s to be diligent students of the Lord Jesus: An Introduction to Catholicism is the course which includes the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, and anyone who wants to learn more…

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19th Sunday of the Year

Dear Friends in Christ, Numinous. This is not a word one hears in casual conversation, but it is an English word that entered our language in the 17th century from the Latin word numen which means divine presence. Numinous is an adjective that includes a field of meanings, including concepts like spiritual, holy, religious, transcendent,…

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The Transfiguration of the Lord

Dear Friends in Christ, The Feast of the Transfiguration (described with slightly different emphases by Matthew, Mark and Luke) recalls the manifestation of His divine glory by the Lord Jesus to Peter, James and John on Mt. Tabor. During this revelation of His divine nature to human eyes, Jesus was accompanied by Moses and Elijah,…

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