Archives BulletineBulletin for 23rd Sunday of the Year7 September 2014Homily AudioHomily Audio for 22nd Sunday of the Year31 August 2014BulletineBulletin for 22nd Sunday of the Year31 August 2014BulletineBulletin for 21st Sunday of the Year24 August 2014Homily AudioHomily Audio for 21st Sunday of the Year24 August 2014BulletineBulletin for 20th Sunday of the Year17 August 2014Homily AudioHomily Audio for 20th Sunday of the Year17 August 2014BulletineBulletin for 19th Sunday of the Year10 August 2014Homily AudioHomily Audio for 19th Sunday of the Year10 August 2014BulletineBulletin for 18th Sunday of the Year3 August 2014Homily AudioHomily Audio for 18th Sunday of the Year3 August 2014BulletineBulletin for 17th Sunday of the Year27 July 2014Homily AudioHomily Audio for 17th Sunday of the Year27 July 2014Homily AudioHomily Audio for 16th Sunday of the Year20 July 2014 ← 1 2 3 … 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 →