“Truly great must be the value of human life if the Son of God has taken it up and made it the instrument of the salvation of all humanity!"  (Pope Saint John Paul the Great).


About Us

We are a ministry of St Mary's Catholic Church. Our goal is to increase our parishioners' participation in the defense of the Unborn and the marginalized through prayer, pro-life events and education.

Our ministry consists of a small group of dedicated members who plan and organize concrete ways for our parishioners to be hands and feet of Jesus - to serve in the pro-life movement and encourage mothers in crisis pregnancies to choose Life, effectively speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves.

Opportunities to Serve

We are involved in many pro-life events throughout the year, including but not limited to the following:

Pro-life Rosary - every Saturday 8.00-9.00am at Greenville Women's Clinic

40 Days for Life - prayer, fasting and peaceful vigil on public right-of-way outside abortion facility. St Mary's day is Tuesday for both spring and fall campaigns.

Baby showers - donations for mothers with crisis pregnancies each Sunday in May

Birthright Baby Bottle Boomerang - fundraiser for crisis pregnancy center

Life Chain - public witness and prayer on Respect Life Sunday

Please visit our Facebook page for updates, event photos and a list of upcoming events.



Want More Information?

Sarah, Coordinator
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